Simplify Your Project

If you are looking for a house to fix and flip, start out with something that doesn’t need a lot of reconfiguring. Some think that the best thing to do is to redesign a house. When you are starting out that may not be a good idea. Of course there is tremendous value in improving the layout of a house it may not always be necessary. If you look hard enough you can find houses that have a clean and functional layout that could use minor tweaks and be turned into a fabulous rehab. Keep in mind that you will be replacing the finishes and this in itself will provide a great improvement to the property. When you have to do a lot of reconfiguring you end up spending money when it is not necessary. Compared to other properties in the market you can find something that already has a good layout eliminating the need to change. If you are compelled to remove walls to get the open floor plan consult an architect and make sure that you are getting the bang for your buck. If a house has already been modified such that it has a bad layout, if you can’t easily resolve it move on to something else that you can start from scratch as opposed to wasting money trying to get to a clean slate. Once you get more experience these types of projects will get easier, but in the meantime try and simplify your project.